Freehold for sale in Aurora
For sale Newest Listings
Last 30 real estate
Total found: 116

7 Underhill Cres, Aurora Highlands, Aurora

119 Pointon St, Bayview Northeast, Aurora

88 Cosford St, Bayview Northeast, Aurora

65 Davis Rd, Aurora Highlands, Aurora

125 Joseph Hartman Cres, Rural Aurora, Aurora

63 Blick Cres, Bayview Northeast, Aurora

14 Laurwood Crt, Aurora Heights, Aurora

2 Hill Dr, Hills of St Andrew, Aurora

21 Pointon St, Bayview Northeast, Aurora

40 Spring Farm Rd, Bayview Northeast, Aurora

22 Halldorson Ave, Bayview Northeast, Aurora

15 Treegrove Circ, Hills of St Andrew, Aurora

16 Hunters Glen Rd, Aurora Estates, Aurora

15037 Yonge St, Aurora Village, Aurora

115 Halldorson Ave, Bayview Northeast, Aurora

66 Chapman Crt, Aurora Grove, Aurora

97 Halldorson Ave, Bayview Northeast, Aurora

52 Steckley St, Bayview Wellington, Aurora

2 Bunn Crt, Bayview Northeast, Aurora

85 Devins Dr, Aurora Heights, Aurora

39 Mahogany Crt, Aurora Highlands, Aurora

9 Homer Cres, Rural Aurora, Aurora

26 Kemano Rd, Aurora Heights, Aurora

27 Gleave Crt, Aurora Highlands, Aurora

63 Pointon St, Bayview Northeast, Aurora

44 Golf Links Dr, Aurora Highlands, Aurora

157 Treegrove Circ S, Hills of St Andrew, Aurora

36 Royal Hill Crt, Aurora Estates, Aurora

40 Cobb St, Rural Aurora, Aurora

92 Maple Fields Circ, Aurora Estates, Aurora